Visit Seattle flies her Seattle Seahawks branded Yankee 1 headsail.

The Clipper Round the World branding on our bow as we sail toward America.

Emily hides from the wind in the cockpit.

Jesse perches on the pulpit, checking the trim of the headsails.

Martin Frey, crossing his 7th ocean, at the helm.

Sean on deck.

Watch Leader Jan surveys the deck.

Posh and Kate chat whilst on deck.

Kärri holds court by the lowside helm.

Skipper Huw updates the crew on the race and events in wider world.

The crew chip in to the discussion during happy hour.

The crew get ready to share their excitement at making it to within 4 weeks of our home port.

Ben on standby, ready to jump in on the helm if necessary.

Pawel andd Dana display their artwork celebrating coming to within 3 week of our home port.

Ros on deck.

Standing by the helm.

Starboard watch sit down to lunch.

Ben and Martin cook food for 20 in a galley rolling across the Pacific Ocean.

Sean has lunch.

Lucy grinds in the preventer line.

Alex adjust the outhall.

Halyards, reefing lines and the outhall run up the mast.

Ben comes out from the Galley to get some fresh air.

Professional film maker Rich Edwards clips on at the bow to get the shot.

The main sheet with traveller in a central position.

Crew members chat whilst Alex helms us toward Seattle.

Covered up against the North Pacific cold.

Rich and Patsy chat on deck.

Skipper Huw takes a moment in the Saloon.

Climbing to rig a line to hold the boom in on a beam reach.

Jesse takes the helm as the famous 10m Pacific Rollers come out to play.

The mainsail sits against the spreaders as we ride the waves toward Seattle.

Braving the cold to be on deck in the middle of the Pacific Rollers.

The huge Pacific Rollers that surfed us toward Seattle.

Layered up against the gale force winds that accompany the Pacific Rollers.

Capturing the big waves in the mid Pacific.

Martin helms us through the waves.

Rigging up a spinnaker in spite of a broken bowsprit.

Layered up in against the cold.

Kate and Posh chat on deck.

Emily trims the jury rigged spinnaker.

Martin goes to help on the foredeck.

Kärri focuses on trimming the spinnaker.

Trimming the Spinnaker.

Kate delivers a lesson on the limitations of the boat's plumbing.

Huw laughs as the crew enjoys a break in the weather.

Cameraman Rich gets in position for a shot.

Martin gives Huw some pointers ahead of throwing out the first pitch at a Seattle Mariners baseball game.

Detail of the traveler as the main is set to deep down wind.

Resting during a quiet watch.

Various lines tidied away in the cockpit.

Trimming the spinnaker rigged with the heavyweight spinnaker sheets.

Cords engaging the primary winches to the coffee grinder.

The main sheet winch with the sheet far out downwind.

Pawel hunkered down to survive a watch in the cold.

Patsy queues up the next song on deck.

Ben helming from the low side after the large steel plate which transfers control from the helm to the rudder had sheared in half.

Watch Leader Patsy keeps an eye on the boys at the Helm.

After 28 days at sea America comes into focus!

Sailing down the Puget Sound.

Sean smiles as we motor toward Seattle.

Smiling to have made it.

Jan contemplates his achievement.

Washington State scenery along the banks of the Puget Sound.

The Mainsail comes off the mast for the first time since China.

The watch leaders consult as we motor down the Puget Sound.

Jesse stops and thinks after the crossing.

Flags are hoisted as we motor toward port. Stars and Stripes, Quarantine and the Clipper Flag.

First glimpse of Seattle.

Martin Frey celebrates crossing his seventh ocean, having already summitted the highest mountain on all seven continents.

Dana gives a shout out to the wonderful Visit Seattle fanbase.

Standing by to dock.

Hanging out, ready to arrive.

Staring at Seattle, waiting to arrive.

Martin signals his achievements to the assembled media, friends and family.

About to dock.

The docks where we will make landfall for the first time in 29 days.

A RIB delivers the pennant of the Seattle Yacht Club.

Martin is greeted at the dockside as the first man to summit the seven peaks of the seven continents and sail across the seven oceans.